Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Amazing Weight Loss Secrets - The Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

Are you sick of all the fad diets?  Have you tried them but just put the weight back on again?  What if the normal foods that you eat could actually help you lose weight?  There are several types of foods that actually work to speed up your metabolism so if you can include these foods into your diet then they will help you to burn fat and lose weight.  You might already be eating some of these superfoods, so it may just be a matter of adjusting your diet to include more of these foods.

If you are a spicy food lover then you are in luck.  Cayenne peppers, jalapenos and habaneros are some fantastic hot and spicy foods that give the metabolism a great big boost.  Basically, as well as tasting hot they also get your insides running hot too.  These spices will keep boosting your metabolism for around three hours after you eat them.  So if you want a three hour fat burnout then go have a meal with lots of hot and spicy peppers but just be sure that the meal isn't too high in carbohydrates and fats.

Salmon, sardines and tuna - these fish are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which will help speed up your metabolism and also have the extra benefit of being very healthy for your heart.  Our bodies have a hormone called leptin and our metabolism runs faster when the leptin levels are low and these fish help to keep those levels low, allowing your metabolism to run at a good speed and burn off calories.  Fish are also a source of protein and protein is great for speeding up the metabolism.

While on the topic of protein - foods like lean meat, legumes, eggs and even peanut butter will give your metabolism a boost.  Peanut butter should be eaten in moderation, but do try to include it in your diet as it is rich in both protein and monounsaturated fats.  Nut butters are also high in protein, monounsaturated fats and also contain lots of antioxidants.  Although nuts are high in fat, if eaten in moderation they can actually benefit your weight loss.

Whole grains, like oatmeal, are also very good for boosting the metabolism.  These foods contain glucose and energy which are much needed for our body and brains to function well, but unfortunately many diets avoid them.  They are great for boosting the metabolism by regulating the insulin in the bloodstream.  They digest slowly and only put a little insulin into the bloodstream which keeps things running smoothly.  If your blood sugar levels climb too high then a big release of insulin enters the bloodstream which makes the body try to store everything as fat, so it is important to keep the insulin levels at a good level so your body won't store too much fat.

Other foods that are great for speeding up the metabolism are fruits and vegetables, in particular dark green leafy vegetables and berries.  These foods are also a great source of vitamins and antioxidants so eat as much of these foods as you want.

Friday, July 26, 2013

All You Need To Know About BMI - Body Fat And Health

BMI is one of the most popular tools that people use to determine whether they are in a healthy weight range.  Because body fat and lean muscle tissue don't figure into the equation at all, many experts believe that BMI is not at all accurate for some people.  In this article we will take a look at exactly what BMI is and why it isn't always accurate for some people.

BMI is short for Body Mass Index and was created by Adolphe Quetelt in the early 1800s.  Basically, BMI compares a persons weight to their height and with this information will determine whether they are in the correct weight range for their height.  BMI measurement has remained popular for all these years and still remains one of the most popular weight measurements.

Body fat, bone and frame size, muscle and body type are not included in the formula for working out BMI.  The formula for working out BMI is to take your height in meters squared and divide your weight in kilograms by that number.  Let's do an example:  If you are 1.7 meters tall you would do 1.7 times 1.7 which equals 2.89.  If you weigh 65 kilograms you would divide 65 by 2.89 which equals 22.49 as your BMI.  This is in the normal weight range which is from 18.5 to 24.9.  If you have a BMI below 18.5 then you are considered underweight and if you are over 24.9 then you are considered overweight.  If your BMI is over 30 then you are considered obese.

Generally you can get an idea of whether you are in a healthy weight range by how much body fat you have and also by your general health.  BMI can be a little trickier however than working out your healthy weight range using body fat.

The reason that BMI is not always accurate is because if you have a lot of muscle then your BMI might not be right.  Muscles weighs a lot more than fat but will take up less space than fat so some people can have a lot of muscle but they don't look all that big.  BMI doesn't take this muscle weight into account.  If an athlete, football player, body builder, wrestler or anyone that gains a lot of muscle through their exercise routine, will actually calculate a BMI that puts them in the overweight or obese range.

So BMI isn't accurate for people who have a lot of weight in muscle, but what about everyone else?  Well the accuracy will vary between people with different situations.  Children don't get an accurate BMI and also very tall people might not get an accurate BMI either due to the weight of their longer bones.  So generally, if you are extremely tall, a child or have a lot of muscle then BMI isn't a good way to measure your weight range.

The other inaccuracy with BMI is that it uses the same formula for both men and women, however women will generally carry more body fat than men so for that reason you would think the formula would be a little different to give accurate results.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weight Loss Exercise Tips Which Actually Work

Losing weight is not easy and there are many options that you have to choose from when trying to get rid of those extra pounds. But there are a couple of weight loss exercise tips that most experts agree on--in order to lose weight effectively, you will also need to exercise. Among other benefits, exercise is extremely valuable when it comes to decreasing the plateau effect of dieting which usually sets in after a couple of weeks. The plateau takes place once your body has adjusted to the fact that you are eating fewer calories and it slows down your metabolism to balance things. Exercise also minimizes the effects of menopause, osteoporosis and middle age spread.

So, if you're determined to lose weight, get into the mindset that you are going to have to do some exercise as well. If you aren't sure about how to get started, begin with the basics.

First, identify your fitness level. It's a good idea to check with your doctor before starting any kind of diet or fitness routine. He or she will give you valuable insight into what kind of exercises are suitable for you and which ones to avoid.

Next, establish a weight loss schedule which starts out very, very small and then gradually increases. If you are not very fit, you can start out with 20 minutes of exercise three times per week, for example. This is just an example. Make it something that is realistic in terms of time and your capabilities.

One of the most overlooked weight loss exercise tips is having a support system or workout pal. If you already know that your willpower will be tested when it comes time to work out, try to get a friend involved that will keep both of you on schedule. You can also join some sort of exercise class--just make sure that it is suitable for whatever fitness level you are at.

Your fitness plan should include both cardio and strength training. Cardio training is anything that gets your heart rate up and includes brisk walking, swimming, biking, jogging, housework, aerobics classes or anything that gets you breathing hard.

If you want to change things up a bit, work in some other types of exercises like head and neck circles, arm swings, leg swings, leg lifting, shoulder circles, running in place, dancing and/or various types of stretching.

The most important concept of all is that you are striving towards a new, healthier lifestyle. The weight loss exercise tips that you incorporate into your lives now should be activities that you will be able to perform consistently from now on. So, don't start out trying to kill yourself until you get to your goal weight, so that you can then kick back and stop exercising again. That won't work. Instead, put yourself in the right frame of mind for maintaining a healthy weight and body for life.